

"sources of creativity..."

...tried to repair my stylophone (yesterday I sat down on it.)
Hugged my jackalope - what a cute animal! Although Iman does not like them.
Played some boring music - god! I need an idea!!! Why does everyone wait for a new record from me? Pah! No Idea at all! Watch TV the whole day - went to 12 celebrity events the last month! But still no idea!
Then I went to the loo, again (no, no details )
Went boxing - a real man needs know.
Ate some chocolate-tart. (yes..a real man... ahem..)

Smashed my big blue coffee-mug -told Iman to clean the floor, that's a women's work, eh?
Iman was angry - she told me to do it by myself. Famous popstar or not. Nevertheless - she is also a legend. So for some minutes we were - again - quarrelling, who of us is the bigger, better, more glamorous and famous and important celebrity of the world. She said, she is, but I think - where would popmusic be today without me, eh? And does Iman have such a wonderful messageboard with so many stupid and paying fans, reading every shit I am writing..? hehe?
So, the quarrel goes on.

In the afternoon I tried to put on my old Ziggy-outfit for the 2003-tour - Gosh - did I become fat! Iman was laughing at me... so I called her an old bitch and she hit me with the rolling pin. I threw a pillow on her and she gave me a kick in the ass. So I took her deBeers-diamonds and threw them into the loo. She did the same with my little crucifix. Our quarrel got worse.
I said she looks ugly on that H+M-posters. And that it's no wonder that they have already disappeared everywhere - her answer was, that she thinks, I am old and also ugly with my weird eyes.
I said, she should go where she came from, she said the same to me. Then Lexy cried horribly - too much for my ears. I told Iman to do something against it - it's a women's work, you know.
While she was busy with Lexy I went on the balcony to smoke a secret cigarette.
When she came back I was sitting right before the TV watching the famous reality soap "at home with the Bowies", but she smelled it... and got angry again. We started quarrelling again. And Lexy, again, began her disastrous crying!
So I again went on the balcony....

You see it's never boring in my house...
And I feel I have to write a song!