

that haircut...

Got my Botox-injections not yet! Shit! The doctor's on holiday and I look awful! And we have to go to that goddess-gala! Just "goddess"! Asked Iman, she should go there without me. Finally - she's the goddess. And so I could stay at home and play "memory" with Lexi. Better for both of us. But she denied. "YOUR friendz!" she said.
I looked into the mirror and experimented with some of that "i-iman"-cosmetics - but that did not help in any way. Looked like shoe-polish. Then I tried the good old plasters behind the ears. But that looked horrifying! And I had a silly smile on my face and could not speak anymore. Iman was really shocked, when she entered the bathroom. "no, David", she said, "can go to the ghost train with that but not to a "goddess"-event!"
Wahh! But did she help me? No! Think, she was angry because I threw her absolutely useless "i-iman"-stuff in the loo. She did not say anything. But she was miffing "David, this was made for black women - not for you! Pink cheesy bastard!! (grrr)" - eh? Sounds a bit annoyed, I think....
So I took some cucumbers out of the fridge and in my face... but this takes time. There won't be any effect in one and a half hours! Iman was already looking on her watch. And I was sitting there with that vegetables in my face! Had to remove my toupee for that.
Iman sighted and said something about "old Popsingers and how much time they spend in the bathroom". And she looked at her watch again! Was not very nice!
So I asked her, if we could insist on that the lights will be dimmed or if we could ban all photographers. But she laughed and told me to hurry up! Oh, shit! Everyone is analyzing how I look like! doesn't she know that? Heartless person!

I'm really desperate! And gave up! Yeah - shall they look at me and laugh and take their evil photographs!! So I put my teeth in my mouth again and my toupee on my head. But -- there was something wrong...! It was hanging all in my face! I had put it on the wrong way around!! And what shall I tell you - it worked!
Had a nice evening ...and some cucumber-salad the next day....

Aw, yeah, must call the tinsmith, because of our loo.
I really don't know why it always gets bunged up!